A lot of people ask me about becoming a real estate agent. I could write a book with the answers. A day in the life of an agent is an interesting thing.
This is a typical Wednesday for me.
5:15 am – Awake. Double check schedule for the day, get cleaned up, smell nice, leave the house at 6:25 am.
6:45 am – Arrive at referral breakfast group to meet 35 of the nicest and most committed entrepreneurs in Kelowna. Heckle a little bit, give my one-minute elevator speech, enjoy the 20-minute vendor presentation, finish up breakfast, drink 3 cups of coffee and by 8:30 am I am ready to move on.
9:00 am – Team meeting with Robyn and Luke. We discuss closings, confirm lawyers and details and any keys, lock boxes and client gifts. We also discuss up and coming listings and buyers we need to provide support to. We go through each listing and look at the data, showings, feedback and create an action plan to discuss with the client.
10:30 am – Time to look at emails and make a few outbound calls to clients, lawyers, bankers, home inspectors and to mop up any urgent concerns.
Noon – I usually skip lunch Wednesday because the results of the team meeting will often have me focused on a project. Robyn will often grab me laksa on her mid-day walk. Luke will have adjusted my chair in an attempt to make me fall out of it and lunch will be eaten at the office and sadly, rushed.
2:00 pm – Client showings. This time of year, March, the inventory is often growing so mid-week showings are usually onezy twosy. Often I squeeze in another set of showings at 5:00 pm for clients who work during the week.
3:30 pm – Check listing inventory, confirm emails are going to active clients, finalize any CMA’s (comparative market assessments) that are due for clients. We complete about 4 to 8 CMA’s a week depending on the time of year and often not always for buying and selling, Some clients are curious to know the current value of their property and we are always happy to help.
5:00 pm – Showing of home
6:30 pm – Arrive at my own home. Dinner with Wendy and often rushed.
7:00 pm – Office work at home. Send feedback to agents from showings. Receive feedback from agents who have shown my listings. Confirm interest levels, send emails to agents to see how much buyer or seller interest exists. Today, no offer will be presented or written so I can be done by 8 pm.
8:00 pm – quickly confirm the schedule for Thursday. Toastmasters starts at 6:45 am so I will need to arrive at 6:35 am.
Common Interruptions:
No two days are ever the same but often, significant interruptions will occur.
Dropping off and picking up family, Booking showings for my listings, Writing Offers – requires brain time, receiving offers, sitting down with sellers and buyers on short notice to work through the details.
If it’s a good day, I will have helped at least 3 to 5 clients move their interests forward.
A great day is helping clients and also getting time with Wendy and my kids.