The fast-paced transaction-based market of 2021/2022 has changed to a low inventory, priced-sensitive slugfest. Consumers need more. Every market has opportunities. Some of us are ready and able to perform. Many are not. 

I am often asked what the differences are between those performing and those who are not. As a coach and after working exclusively with real estate agents for five years, my best answer is “authentic bravery.”

It’s not inherently brave to take pictures of homes and put them on the web. It’s not brave to paper the neighbourhood with flyers. It’s not brave to rush from appointment to appointment. Yet, each top producer will tell you about a time before they were busy when they had a “gut check.” A moment of clarity and purpose. 

It is brave to be honest and authentic with yourself. It’s brave to admit failure. Realizing that success and failure take the same energy and time is brave. Letting go of envy, jealousy, and blame requires looking inward at your authentic self.

So, if you want to improve your performance, what can you do?

Here is my short list that you could weave into your summer schedule.

  1. Slow Down. Take Inventory. Find a quiet spot. A park bench, perhaps. A lawn chair by a river or beach. With a notebook or notepad in hand, write a list of what you love about your work. What makes you feel gratitude?
  2. Write a Stop List. Write down some challenges and things you dislike about your business with that same pen. And, as you look at the list, permit yourself to stop doing these things. If they are actions that must take place, ask yourself how you can accomplish these tasks differently. 
  3. Action Plan for the Fall. Looking at your fall marketing plan, what items can you organize over the summer so when mid-September hits, you are ready? Add actions to your calendar as appointments. Once this is complete, you can enjoy the remainder of the summer with much less on your mind. 
  4. Think about getting a coach or starting a mastermind group. No one climbs the big hill alone. Find a colleague, friend or formal coach with whom you can talk business. Plants some seeds in your summer conversations.
  5. Mind Your Mindset. A mindset of growth and gratitude is at the top of every motivational speaker’s list. Good ones tailor their entire performance to the audience reaching this epiphany. And, for good measure, attitude and a strong mindset trump all other aspects of success. 

Many aspects of summertime are naturally positive for self-employed folks like real estate agents. Ironically, agents can take off anytime they want, but the busiest are workaholics. Summer activities can often force us to slow down. Yet, it’s even better when we slow down and enjoy the journey.

May fortune follow,
